Leo Lou bio photo

Leo Lou

Autodidacticism. Erlang, elixir, obj-c, ruby.


Create a shopify starter theme

with Compass, Twitter Bootstrap (SCSS)

This post is a walkthrough of how to create a shopify starter theme. If you want to use this starter theme only, you can skip this tutorial and use the starter theme directly at the shopify-skeleton-theme-compass-scss-bootstrap Github repo.

Why Compass?

Shopify supports using SCSS in the liquid templates. But there are limitations.

  • The assets folder cannot contain sub-folders. Twitter bootstrap SCSS files has to be combined or flattened.
  • @import is not supported.

Project setup

Folder Structure

  • shopify-skeleton-theme-compass-scss-bootstrap
    • compass-assets
    • skeleton-theme
      • assets
      • config
      • layout
      • snippets
      • templates

Compass project

gem install bootstrap-sass
cd shopify-skeleton-theme-compass-scss-bootstrap
compass create compass-assets -r bootstrap-sass --using bootstrap

Original skeleton theme

Copy files from the Shopify skeleton theme, or add it as a git submodule.

Integrating Compass project with the skeleton theme

Edit compass-assets/config.rb

css_dir = "../skeleton-theme/assets/"
images_dir = "../skeleton-theme/assets/"

Move files from compass folder to skeleton theme

mv compass-assets/images/* skeleton-theme/assets/

Clean up

You can remove these folder safely.

rm -rf compass-assets/images
rm -rf compass-assets/stylesheets

Appending .liquid extension to the css file

The default filename is style.css. If you will use liquid variables, the filename should be style.css.liquid.

Append compass-assets/config.rb

on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
  move_to = filename + ".liquid"
  puts "Moving from #{filename} to #{move_to}"
  FileUtils.mv(filename, move_to)

Generate the CSS file

cd compass-assets
compass compile --force

You should see the following outputs

create ../skeleton-theme/assets/styles.css
Moving from {path}/styles.css to {path}/styles.css.liquid

Rename theme file in the skeleton theme

rm ./skeleton-theme/assets/style.css.liquid

Edit ./skeleton-theme/layout/theme.liquid

rename style.css to styles.css

The hard work

Edit liquid templates in templates/ , snippets/ and layout/.

Tools used